Insights Reports: Raw Data Exports

Describes the reports available in the Raw Data Exports section of the Insights > Reports page in ShipStation.

Raw Data Exports are reports that contain the data fields and values related to the subject of the report. Still, the information is not formatted or sorted in any particular fashion. When you export a Raw Data report, you would then use the information exported in the file to build your reports.

The raw data export section is marked


The Customers Raw Data Export provides a list of customer records created in ShipStation within a selected date range that also has order records in ShipStation. Please note that customer records that do not have any orders yet will not appear on this report.

Required Filters:

  • Date Range (Start Date and End Date)


What does it mean?

Address 1

Address Line 1 for the customer record.

Address 2

Address Line 2 for the customer record.


City for the customer record.


Company for the customer record.


Two-character Country code for the customer record.


Date the customer record was created in ShipStation.

Customer ID

ShipStation internal identification number for the customer record.


Email for the customer record.

Last Order

Order Date for the most recent order linked to the customer record.


Date the customer record was last changed in ShipStation.


Name for the customer record.


Count of orders linked to the customer record.


Phone for the customer record.


State for the customer record.


The Total amount the customer has spent for the selected date range.


Zip (Postal Codes) for the customer record.


The Orders Raw Data Export provides a list of orders created within a date range. The export does include products, and each unique product in an order will receive its row on the report.

Required Filters:

  • Date Range (Start Date and End Date)

Optional Filters:

  • Store


What does it mean?


If TRUE, the order is active in ShipStation. Inactive orders are not accessible in ShipStation.


If TRUE, the Other Shipping Option This shipment requires Additional Handling is enabled for the order.


0 - Address has not been verified.

1 - Address was verified successfully.

2 - Address was verified, but there is a warning or error.


Total Paid for the order record.


Buyer Email for the order record.


Confirmation Type set in the Shipping Info on the order record.


Confirmation cost for most recent estimated rate for the order record.


Date the order record was created in ShipStation.


Buyer Name for the order record.


Custom Field 1 for the order record.


Custom Field 2 for the order record.


Custom Field 3 for the order record.


Package Contents set in the Customs Declarations for the order record.


Order Date for the order record.


The marketplace's internal identifier for the payment associated with the order data. Only available for Rithum and Sears.


URL leading to the order's record on the marketplace.


Height set in the Shipping Info for the order record.


Hold Until date for the order record.


ShipStation internal identifier for the order record.


ShipStation internal identifier for the action that created the order record.


The identifier that ShipStation will use to match imported order data to order records. Usually, this is the marketplace's internal identifier for the order or the order number.


Insurance cost for the most recent estimated rate for the order record.


Name of Insurance option set in the Shipping Info for the order record.


Value for Insurance option set in the Shipping Info for the order record.


Internal Notes for the order record.


Date the item within the order record was created in ShipStation.


Name for the item within the order record.


Extended Price for the item within the order record.


The marketplace's identifier for the item within the order record.


ShipStation internal identifier for the item within the order record.


ISBN for the item within the order record.


orderitem.itemurl (based on order.orderid)


Date that the item within the order record was last changed in ShipStation.


Item Options for the item within the order record.


ShipStation internal identifier for the order record.


Quantity for the item within the order record.


Shipping Amount for the item within the order record.


SKU for the item within the order record.


Tax Amount for the item within the order record.


Image URL for the item within the order record.


Unit Cost for the item within the order record.


Unit Price for the item within the order record.


UPC for the item within the order record.


Warehouse Location for the item within the order record.


Weight for the item within the order record.


Weight (in ounces) for the item within the order record.


Length set in the Shipping Info for the order record.


The name of the integration that was used to create the order record in ShipStation.

Examples: eBay, Shopify, Custom Store, ShipStation


Date that the order record was last changed in ShipStation.


If Non-Delivery set in the Customs Declarations for the order record.


If TRUE, the Other Shipping Option This order is non-machinable is enabled for the order.


Notes from Buyer for the order record.


Notes to Buyer for the order record.


Order Number for the order record.


Additional Charges for most recent estimated rate for the order record.


Package set in the Shipping Info for the order record.


Paid Date for the order record.


Name of postage provider for Service set in the Shipping Info for the order record.


Error message text for most recent estimated rate for the order record.


Requested Shipping Service for the order record. Usually, this is the shipping option your customer chooses when checking out.


C - Order was verified as a Commercial address.

R - Order was verified as a Residential address.


If TRUE, the Other Shipping Option Saturday Delivery is enabled for the order.


Service set in the Shipping Info for the order record.


Ship To City for the order record.


Ship To Company for the order record.


Ship To Country for the order record.


Ship Date for the order record.


Ship To Name for the order record.


Ship To Phone for the order record.


Shipping Paid for the order record.


Ship To Postal Code for the order record.


Ship To State for the order record.


Ship To Address Line 1 for the order record.


Ship To Address Line 2 for the order record.


Ship To Address Line 3 for the order record.


If TRUE, the Other Shipping Option Print postage on the shipping label for this order is enabled for the order.


Status of the order record.


Store Name for store the order record was created in.


Total Order for the order record. This is the sum of the Product Total, Shipping Paid, and Tax Paid.


Buyer Username for the order record.


Ship from set in the Shipping Info for the order record.


Weight set in the Shipping Info for the order record.


Weight (in ounces) set in the Shipping Info for the order record.


Width set in the Shipping Info for the order record.


Tax Paid for the order record.


USPS Zone for the order record, based on the Ship To Postal Code and the Ship From set in the Shipping Info

Shipped Orders

The Shipped Orders Raw Data Export provides a list of shipments created in ShipStation within your specified date range.

Required Filters:

  • Date Range (Start Date and End Date)

Optional Filters:

  • Store


What does it mean?

Amount Paid

Amount Paid for the order used to create the shipment record.

Batch ID

ShipStation's internal identifier for the batch in which the shipment was created.

Buyer Email

Buyer Email for the order used to create the shipment record.

Buyer Notified

If TRUE, ShipStation sent a shipment confirmation email to the Buyer Email on the order used to create the shipment record.

Buyer User ID

Buyer Username for the order used to create the shipment record.


Name of the Carrier used to create the shipping label for the shipment record.

Carrier Fee

The cost of the shipping label for the shipment record, based on the Shipping Info that was used to create the label.

Carrier Transaction

The postage provider's internal identifier for the shipping label for the shipment record.


Confirmation Type used to create the shipping label for the shipment record.

Created By

Full Name of the ShipStation user who created the shipment record.

Date Paid

Paid Date for the order used to create the shipment record.

Insurance Cost

Insurance Fee of the shipping label for the shipment record, based on the Shipping Info that was used to create the label.

Insurance Provider

Insurance Provider used to create the shipping label for the shipment record.

Insurance Transaction

The insurance provider's internal identifier for the insurance purchase linked to the shipment record.

Insurance Voided

If TRUE, the insurance purchase was cancelled.


If TRUE, the shipment was insured.

Insured Value

Insurance Amount used to create the shipping label for the shipment record.

Label Create Date

Date the shipping label for the shipment record was created in ShipStation.

Label Message

Label Messages used to create the shipping label for the shipment record.

Label Voided

If TRUE, the shipping label for the shipment record was cancelled.

Marketplace Notified

If TRUE, ShipStation sent an update to the order's marketplace to update the marketplace order data to include shipment details.

Order Date

Order Date for the order used to create the shipment record.

Order ID

ShipStation's internal identifier for the order used to create the shipment record.

Order Number

Order Number for the order used to create the shipment record.

Order Total

Total Order for the order used to create the shipment record.

Package Height

Height used to create the shipping label for the shipment record.

Package Length

Length used to create the shipping label for the shipment record.

Package Type

Package used to create the shipping label for the shipment record.

Package Width

Width used to create the shipping label for the shipment record.

Qty Shipped

Sum of Quantity for all items in the order used to created the shipment record.

Ship City

Ship To City used to create the shipping label for the shipment record.

Ship Company

Ship To Company used to create the shipping label for the shipment record.

Ship Country

Ship To Country used to create the shipping label for the shipment record.

Ship Date

Ship Date used to create the shipping label for the shipment record.

Ship Name

Ship To Name used to create the shipping label for the shipment record.

Ship Phone

Ship To Phone used to create the shipping label for the shipment record.

Ship Postal Code

Ship To Postal Code used to create the shipping label for the shipment record.

Ship State

Ship To State used to create the shipping label for the shipment record.

Ship Street 1

Ship To Address Line 1 used to create the shipping label for the shipment record.

Ship Street 2

Ship To Address Line 2 used to create the shipping label for the shipment record.

Shipment ID

ShipStation internal identifier for the shipment record.

Shipping Paid

Shipping Paid for the order used to create the shipment record.

Shipping Service

Abbreviation of the Service used to create the shipping label for the shipment record.

Store Name

Store Name for the order used to create the shipment record.


Tax Paid for the order used to create the shipment record.

Tracking Number

Tracking Number of the shipping label for the shipment record.

Void Date

Date the shipping label for the shipment record was voided in ShipStation.


Name of the Ship From used to create the shipping label for the shipment record.


Weight used to create the shipping label for the shipment record.

Weight Oz

Weight (in ounces) used to create the shipping label for the shipment record.


USPS Zone for the shipment record, based on the Ship To Postal Code and the Ship From used to create the shipping label for the shipment record.

Shipped Items

The Shipped Orders Raw Data Export provides a list of products within shipment records created within your specified date range.

Required Filters:

  • Date Range (Start Date and End Date)

  • Show Products By

Optional Filters:

  • Store


What does it mean?


Name of the Carrier used to create the shipping label for the shipment record.

Extended Price

Extended Price of the item within the shipment record.

Item Description

Item Name of the item within the shipment record.

Order #

Order Number for the order used to create the shipment record.

Order ID

ShipStation's internal identifier for the order used to create the shipment record.


Name of the Shipping Postage Provider used to create the shipping label for the shipment record.


Quantity of the item within the shipment record.


Abbreviation of the Service used to create the shipping label for the shipment record.

Ship Date

Ship Date used to create the shipping label for the shipment record.

Shipment ID

ShipStation internal identifier for the shipment record.


Item SKU of the item within the shipment record.

Store Name

Store Name for the order used to create the shipment record.

Tracking #

Tracking Number of the shipping label for the shipment record.

Unit Price

Unit Price of the item within the shipment record.


Name of the Ship From used to create the shipping label for the shipment record.

Product Aliases

The Product Aliases Raw Data Export will provide you with a list of products that have alias SKUs.

Required Filters:

  • Show Product Aliases For

Optional Filters:

  • Store


What does it mean?

Product SKU

The SKU for the product record.

Product Alias

The Alias SKU associated with the Product SKU

Store Name

The Store Name for the store that uses the Product Alias.

Store ID

ShipStation's internal identifier for the store that uses the Product Alias.