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  1. ShipStation Configuration in Acumatica:




The above configuration screen fields are required fields, hence make sure the below listed fields should be filled.

Export Entity Type: User can select the export type either Orders/Shipments, the selected entity to be sent across to ShipStation.

Order Type: User can select more than one order types from a pre-filled list, those Orders which are eligible to be sent across to ShipStation through the order retrieval API. Sales Order behavior order types need to be selected in the drop down and Transfer Order also.

SS Carrier: User can select the Carrier from the list of Carriers.

To create the Carrier follow the below steps,


  2. Create a Carrier for ShipStation with all required details.




  1. Add the package for the Carrier



  1. Save the record.

SS Default Box: User can select the Default box from the list of SS Default box.

Export Page Size: Based on The number provided in this box the records in middleware those many no.of records will display in each page

Adjust Ship Start Date: On entering the no.of dates, system considers (Current date - Adjust Ship Start Date value) from that result date system retrieves the orders/shipments from Acumatica.

SALES ORDER->CONFIGURATION-> SHIPSTATION CONFIGURATION   The above configuration screen fields are required fields, hence make sure the below listed fields should be filled. Export Entity Type: User can select the export type either Orders/Shipments, the selected entity to be sent across to ShipStation. Order Type: User can select more than one order types from a pre-filled list, those Orders which are eligible to be sent across to ShipStation through the order retrieval API. Sales Order behavior order types need to be selected in the drop down and Transfer Order also. SS Carrier: User can select the Carrier from the list of Carriers. To create the Carrier follow the below steps, Navigate the Carrier/Ship Via screen - DISTRIBUTION-> SALES ORDERS->CONFIGURATION-> SHIPVIACODES Create a Carrier for ShipStation with all required details. Example: SHIPSTATION   Add the package for the Carrier   Save the record. SS Default Box: User can select the Default box from the list of SS Default box. Export Page Size Based on The number provided in this box the records in middleware those many no.of records will display in each page Adjust Ship Start Date: On entering the no.of dates, system considers (Current date - Adjust Ship Start Date value) from that result date system retrieves the orders/shipments from Acumatica. ]]>
  • ShipStation Mapping:

  • Introduced a new screen ‘ShipStation Mapping’ where User can map required Acumatica field mappings against ShipStation fields for Orders and Shipments.

    Some of the fields indicated as Mandatory which are mapped with specific field User can’t change those fields and for some Mandatory User can change mappings but if that Mandatory field is empty then error will display in Order sync.



    For any Xpath field select Acumatica View filed which User want to map then as per the selected Acumatica view the appropriate Acumatica fields will display for selection.

    Suppose for Orders, against Orders/Order/Tax Amount filed, selected Order as Acumatica View



    Then under Acumatica filed look up against the Order displays all fields displaying in Acumatica, here selected Tax Amount field so while exporting Orders/Shipments to Middleware the Order/Order/Tax Amount displays the value from Sales Order >> Summary >>Tax Amount



    The mapping screen definition is driven by the specifications laid out by ShipStation at: https://help.shipstation.com/hc/en-us/articles/360025856192-Custom-Store-Development-Guide

    > Summary >>Tax Amount   The mapping screen definition is driven by the specifications laid out by ShipStation at: https://help.shipstation.com/hc/en-us/articles/360025856192-Custom-Store-Development-Guide ]]>